
Government Support Services

Government Support Services Main Offices

$334+ million in goods and services purchased from centrally awarded contracts in FY2024.
Manages 3,000+ vehicles used by 358 customer groups, including 308 hybrid electric vehicles.
Serving 200+ locations, in FY2024 our team distributed 4.6 million pounds of food valued at $7 million.

Business people shaking hands

Contracting and Procurement Services

The State of Delaware Procurement Portal, MyMarketplace, provides comprehensive information on how to do business with the State, and provides access to bid solicitations, awarded contracts, and other procurement details.

Multiple cars from Fleet Services

Fleet Services

The Fleet Services provides access to vehicles and transportation services to state agencies. The team operates a fleet of approximately 2,400 vehicles for dispatch and direct agency assignment. Daily dispatch vehicles come with 24-hour roadside assistance and all operational costs covered by a nominal fee charged to the agency, and are available from more than 22 pickup sites. The section is also responsible for investigation and resolution of all citizen complaints relating to potential abuse or misuse of all agency/school district owned vehicles.

Surplus vehicles are just some of the items Surplus sells

Delaware Surplus Services

Surplus Services is responsible for all Federal and State surplus property programs for the state of Delaware. Our goal is to simplify all of our services for our customers: declaring excess property, transferring excess property to another agency or fire company, and includes the removal of excess property.

Copier and Printer

Copier Resource Management Program

The Copier Resource Management Program ensures that State agencies acquire copiers that are appropriate for their work load and are cost effective. With no cost to your agency, we will consult on-site to help you consider new technologies and determine the best solution for your operation(s).

Printing and Graphic Services

Printing and Publishing

The Printing and Publishing Office manages full service printing needs for State Agencies along with outsource design services. We also offer limited on-site design, layout and print consulting service(s).

Warehouse working prepping for deliveries

Food Distribution Program

The Food Distribution Program administers the USDA food commodity distribution program in Delaware. This program distributes food commodities to eligible schools and other child nutrition programs, elderly feeding programs, and to emergency feeding organizations serving the needy.

Delivery person

Messenger Services

Messenger Services maintains effective courier routes for daily mail processing for all agencies, some school districts and charter schools. We sort and deliver more than 1.0 million pieces of interdepartmental mail annually while typically providing a 24-hour turnaround time.